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Is Respite Care the Best Option for Your Loved One With a Developmental Disability?

Jul 25, 2023

If you have a loved one with a developmental disability, it can be overwhelming trying to find them the right services for their needs. It is estimated that there are over 6 million people in the US with a developmental disability according to Disability Justice publications. One option for these individuals is respite care. This quick guide provides information on this important type of developmental disability service.

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care is a type of disability service that allows an individual to receive care outside of their home for a short amount of time. This is different from residential care in which an individual is moved into a new living arrangement permanently. Respite developmental disability services don't move the person out of their home. Rather, the person is allowed to visit another location for a designated amount of time and receives care there, and then they are returned to their home later.

Why Consider Respite Care?

Many families are conflicted over which type of developmental disability services they should choose for their loved ones. Most families would like to keep their loved ones at home, but the reality of the situation is that everyone needs a break once in a while. Full-time caregiving can be challenging. Respite allows families to get the best of both worlds since their loved one is allowed to remain at home for the majority of their care. Occasionally they can visit somewhere else, receive care from someone else, and then return home later.

What Are the Benefits of Respite Care?

The benefit of respite care is that the family that is providing full-time care for their loved one is allowed a break or a respite. This is an important part of long-term caregiving. You are going to need a break eventually. Families that don't get breaks when needed often experience burnout. When burnout happens, the family member with disabilities may wind up removed from the home permanently and the goal is still not achieved. A better alternative is to have respite care already in place so that when a break is needed, the family has the resources and care available.

If you are caring for a loved one in need of
developmental disability services, please contact us at First Call Residential Living today. We will be happy to discuss the different options that are available to you.

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